Local Bands Take Over Osheaga Weekend

For the past two decades, the end of July and the beginning of August in Montreal have become synonymous with the city’s annual music festival Osheaga. Having grown up in Montreal, Osheaga was in many ways the (musical) green light at the end of the dock - the pinnacle of good music -whatever that means- in the eyes of a much younger version of myself. While I still went this year, perhaps it was not with the same level of enthusiasm and eagerness my former-self once felt. The festival, which has taken a life of its own, often overshadows other events happening in the city. For one weekend, and whether you like it or not, Osheaga takes over the city, attracting what seems to be a growing crowd each year. 

While I did enjoy seeing Chappell Roan, The Smashing Pumpkins and Green Day, among other artists, all in one day with my friends, it was the Sunday show I went to at Casa del Popolo that truly satisfied this musical thrill I was seeking. The triple Sunday lineup included the Sun Junkies from Brantford, Sorry Snowman from Ottawa, and Fireball Kid + Ura Star from Montreal. In contrast to the over one hundred thousand festival goers on Saturday, the show on Sunday was mostly attended by close friends and loyal listeners of the bands. In a semi-ritualistic way, concert goers and musicians alike would congregate outside of the venue between sets. Catching up with old friends or meeting new people, that particular gig at Casa del Popolo was a gentle reminder of the beauty and charm of seeing rising stars on stage, as well as the importance of supporting local venues and bands. 

Not too worried other than having a good time, all three bands got the crowd going from the very beginning. Sun Junkies started off the night strong with an electric performance that set the tone for the rest of the night. Sorry Snowman sustained the momentum and really showed us how people in Ottawa know how to have fun. Fireball Kid + Ura Star finished the night with a performance that can best be described as an exclamation point. That night, the three bands perfectly embodied the idea that music truly is just about having a good time and bringing people together. 

Ultimately, the triple header gig at Casa del Popolo was a breath of fresh air that gave a glimpse into the richness of talent that exists within Montreal, as well as the talent it is able to attract. Local talent, small venues and of course, those who attend the shows, are a defining feature of the cultural and musical landscape of any city. Indeed, it is safe to say that there is no lack of local talent in Montreal, and that there is a lot to look forward to when it comes to enjoying live music throughout the city. 

The Sun Junkies and Sorry Snowman are set to perform more shows in the Maritimes, with the last show of their tour at the Rainbow Bistro in Ottawa.

Ceylan is the host of Northern Stagelights, Sundays 1PM-2PM on CJLO