A Summer Sendoff: Electrifying Performances by Chanel Beads, Kassie Kurt & Can’t Believe at Bar L’Escogriffe

Lingering feelings of summer were high this past Saturday, after a hot, heartening night of music at Bar l’Escogriffe. After this perfectly orchestrated, totally satisfying lineup of Chanel Beads, Kassie Krut and Can’t Believe, Saint Denis was bustling with show-goers, riding on a high, as the recently applauded artists casually walked out onto the streets. This three-act bill took us on a deep exploration of a fresh melange of electronic, noise, pop music, and even elements of contemporary folk, with resonant and introspective lyrics carrying us through the night. It felt like we had been taken on a journey, all the while remaining grounded in the steamy, red-hued room. 

Can’t Believe started the night off just right; the duo made up of Seamus Dalton and Colin Ratchford, filled the room with an excitable energy. As the newest artists of the three, their gratitude and delight to be on the stage was contagious, all eyes and ears peeled for what they had to share. Their upbeat spirit was wholeheartedly matched with their catchy melodies and dynamic rhythms, heard especially in “Rebound”, a pleasant listen to sway to. While focused on different instruments, these two were really quite synced up, a beautiful friendship and creative collaboration tangible in the air.

Next up was Kassie Krut; I would say the peak in intensity of the night. This set was such a trip, described by my fellow show-goers and friends as “an epic sonic cave”. We noticed inspirations from dub, noise, electronic pop and moments of heavy distortion. The live performances of electronic drum pads and mixing were so sharp and clear, that in combination with the speaker systems, those moments when my eyes fell closed, these songs felt identical to the studio version. Emphasized by the humble size of the room, the endless layers of their songs bounced off the walls, picking up on new sounds every moment. Symbols were heard ringing every so often at seemingly random times but flowed in perfectly with the songs. Stand-out songs include “Copycat” and “Killing It,” where they “went crazy on the drums”; these can only really be described as heavily rich and textured, creating waves of movement in the crowd. 

Last on stage was Chanel Beads, highly anticipated and they did not disappoint. The New York duo made up of Shane Lavers and Maya McGrory had such great synergy. Through their harmonizing, with the addition of Lavers’ adlibs; deep and low “yeah’s” and dissonant screaming, I felt transported right to the studio where it all began. The all-encompassing layers of the music, through the intimate yet lively setting, we all became swiftly wrapped in this dreamy soundscape haze. The set list was so sweetly balanced, keeping the crowd engaged through hits like “Embarrassed Dog” and “Ef,” and more instrumental moments like “Urn.” I couldn’t help but smile hearing the lyrics that had been stuck in my head this summer, delivered with such passion and emphasis from Lavers. Who doesn’t love a little screaming; “I was just a child, peace symbol on your grave. Reckoning the past moves, closer every day”, was well received and loudly reciprocated by the crowd. With shouts for an encore ringing out after the last song was played, Chanel Beads humbly walked off stage, closing off the night beautifully. 

As the night came to a close, the energy, passion and artistry of the evening left us reminiscing on the summertime and held through this moment of transition. The flow of the lineup from Can’t Believe sweet and high-spirited introduction, to Kassie Krut’s textured and mentally engaging sounds, to finishing off with Chanel Beads’ soft sound blur, left us walking on clouds, wonderfully content.

Iola is the cohost of Inside, Wednesdays at 10PM on CJLO