Concert Reviews

Sam Roberts @ Metropolis

Antonella F. - The Siamese Libertines - 11/24/2004

Sam used to be known to me as “that cute, shy waiter from Shayne’s” (the short-lived restaurant on Bishop street owned by the Montreal Canadiens player, Shayne Corson). Now, almost four years later, he is known nationwide as one of Canada’s hottest rock acts. I was, therefore, eagerly anticipating my chance at seeing him again for the first time since his clean-cut days at Shayne’s (I’m not a regular at Le Pistol).

ZEKE + the Black Halos + Vulgar Deli @ Cabaret La Tulipe

By T-Bone - The Beer OClock - 11/13/04

So it was Zeke, the Black Halos, and Vulgar Deli at La Tulipe. This was Zeke's first time in Canada. Sonny, their old guitar player had a criminal record which made it impossible for Zeke to cross the border in the past. Now that he is out of the way, Zeke as a three-piece crossed the border and did a full Canadian Tour, playing all the little buttfuck towns, as well as the major cities...

HOT SNAKES @ La Sala Rossa

By Omar Goodness - Hooked on Sonics - 11/09/04

After witnessing what I just did, I'm pretty sure of one thing: the Hot Snakes are not human. Playing every song with impeccable precision and unseen and unheard of tightness, these dudes have gotta be machines. Currently on a mammoth tour behind their frenetically fabulous new album, Audit in Progress, these three guys from San Diego and one from Brooklyn hit the stage at la Sala Rossa for their first show in Montreal to an excited and anxious crowd.

GREEN DAY + New Found Glory + Sugarcult @ Bell Center

By Nikkie Landry - More Rock Than a Crack House - 11/04/04

On November 4th, I could have been at home watching the OC premiere, but instead I decide to spend the best 90.00$ I've ever spent and went to see the "godfathers of pop punk", Green Day.

I must admit, this was my first show at the Bell Centre, but the fact that there were so many people only made me realize how much of a big following Green Day has now. Youngsters and not-so youngsters reunited to see this unforgettable event.

MOUSE ON MARS + Ratatat + Junior Boys @ The Cabaret


Ashley Wong - Dump the Body in Rikki Lake - 10/26/04

A well-balanced diet just makes everything function better. Much like how cheese just seems to go with crackers, and milk with your cereal, the Junior Boys, Ratatat and Mouse on Mars together made a meal that just made you feel good by the end (bad analogy I know).

NOMEANSNO @ The Cabaret

By Dr. Sars - Idle Minds - 10/08/04

Last Friday, I saw yet another fine performance from the band NoMeansNo. I didn't realize how many fans of the band were out there in Montreal, but I wasn't alone. The show sold out, something that I certainly wasn't expecting, but in retrospect it makes a lot of sense since the band hasn't been in Montreal in 3 years. I thought that these guys had hung up their instruments; we haven't seen anything new since 2001, and we haven't seen a new full-length album since 2000.

THE KILLERS + Ambulance Ltd + Surferosa @ Club Soda

By Oli Pulleybank - Boozehound Radio - 10/08/04

You know that band the Killers? With that song? You know, that one that goes like…Somebody told me…That you have a girlfriend…who looks like a boyfriend or some shit like that? With that crazy 80s beat thing? Yeah, well I went to their show.

METRIC + Death From Above 1979 + Comme Un Homme Li @ Cabaret

By Jordan-na - Canadian Invasion - 09/29/04

Day one of Pop Montreal, ‘twas Wednesday. The buzz was all about the Metric show with Comme un homme libre and Death from Above 1979. I arrived late, just in time to hear a bunch of girls in miniskirts screaming in French. Turns out they were Quebec’s Comme un homme libre, bumped down one spot on the bill because of the last minute addition of Death From Above
1979 to the line-up. They deserved the demotion, impressing no one, including me who was glad she was late.

THE DEARS @ The Nest

By Cara Ventura - Classified - 09/29/04
