Sekiden Live @ CJLO

Aussie new-wave pop punkers (and really tall people) Sekiden dropped by the CJLO studios June 6, 2004.  Showing up in town to find out their gig was cancelled, they were still determined drop by CJLO and record a live session for Hooked on Sonics. The trio plugged in and powered out a high energy set, complete with backing vocals from Sarah Tesla (their publicist and tour manager from Boompa Records), Andrew Wedderburn from Hot Little Rocket (with whom they were touring), and yours truly on “S-T-A-Y”. And Seja played me the Mario Brothers theme on her keyboard...raaaaaadical.

This was just the first of what ended up being a long list of future sessions recorded at CJLO by Boompa Records artists.



Recorded on: 
June 6 2004
Aired on: 
Hooked on Sonics
Engineered by: 
Emilie Christiansen
Mixed by: 
Emilie Christiansen